Printing in the Labs
Students receive a $30.00 print credit per semester. This is not an additional fee and is part of the technology fee. Printing is automatically deducted from this balance. Black and White printing is $0.05 a page and Color printing is $0.50 a page. In order to be "green" and conserve paper we charge the same price if the page is printed on one or both sided.
How do I check my printing balance?
When you login to the lab machines, you will see a box up in the upper right corner of the screen.
If you want more information on your print account...
Click on the Details... in the lower right corner and the following page opens. Or to access it directly, enter and type in your username and password.
From this page you can check your printing Transaction History, Recent Print Jobs etc.
Mobile Printing
You can print from your personal computer or phone through Webprint.
You can also print from your residence hall room or home. Select Web Print from the Summary Menu.
Login to
2. Select a printer for your job to print to.
3. Select Upload document to upload the file you would like to print.
4. Browse to the file you would like to upload.
For security reasons we hold print jobs so your printout only prints when you release it.
This page shows the status of the upload file, once the files shows as Held in queue, it is ready to release to the printer.
5. Select Held in queue, then release all or select which documents to release and have it print immediately, or you can wait until you are logged into a lab machine to release your print jobs.
Transferring Print Credits
Click on the Transfers options and enter the amount you want to transfer, the username of the person who you want to transfer print credit to and a comment on the transaction. Your account balance will go down by that amount and the other account will go up by that amount.
What happens if there is a problem with what was printed?
If it is something that is a printer problem such as a jam, then we will happily refund that print job. Issues that the user could have avoided will be handled on a case by case basis. Please stop by Computing Services to discuss any issues.
What happens once my printing allowance runs out and how do I get money added so I can print more?
Students can add money to their printing account at the cashier’s station of the One Stop Student Service Center. There is a $1 minimum.