Google Groups Mass Email Notifications

Navigating and Composing Mass Email Notifications via Google Groups

2. Once logged in to your google account. Navigate to the right corner near your profile image (letter) and select the 9 dot to the left of it.

3. Scroll down to Groups and select it.

4. This will take you to

5. In the My groups search bar, type in staff, faculty or students and select that group.  If you need to send mass emails to all groups, you will need to send 3 separate emails to the different Google Groups.  

For Staff search Staff in the search bar and select staff group:

 For Faculty search Faculty in the search bar and select faculty group:

 For Students search,  Student in the search bar and select student group: 

6. When in the group (staff, faculty, student) to compose a new email,  select New conversation in the top left corner.  Then compose the email in the popup box and when ready to send, select post message at the bottom fo the popup box.

Viewing Archived Messages Sent to the Group: