Updating Student Address and Phone Numbers


It is worth noting that there are two types of student contact (i.e. addresses and phone numbers) that cannot be changed or updated. Those include:

These simply need to be on file, unchanged, for the sake of the college.

You may, however, either update an existing or insert a new Mailing or Permanent Address through Student Services. This process is outlined below.

Sign Into Your Student Account

As a registered Adams State Student, you can access and potentially change most of your student information. To do so:

Update Address(es) and Phone(s)

Please take note of the guidelines listed at the top of the page and you may then edit and save the information accordingly by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

Add New Address(es) and Phone(s)

If there is NOT an active permanent or mailing address that permits updates, you may need to insert a new address at the bottom of the page by selecting the type from the Type of Address to Insert: drop-down menu and clicking Submit. You may then fill out the information as described above.