Google 2-Step Verification Using Security Codes
1. Log in to your ASU account on any Google page.
2. Once you are inside of your account, either on a Google page or your email inbox, you can select your profile icon at the top right.
3. Then select the option Manage your Google Account.
4. It will take you to a new page, click Security (on a computer, it is on the left sidebar but it may be on the top row for a mobile device).
5. Once on the Security page, navigate to the 4th box down titled How you sign in to Google.
6. You will see an option for 2-Step Verification and select anywhere in that row to start the process of signing up.
If you are locked out of your account because "Your sign-in settings don't meet your organization's 2-Step policy", call Computing Services at (719) 587-7741 or email
7. Select to retrieve code by voice message and put a phone number in that you have temporary access to, and select next. Get the code via the phone message and enter it into the Google prompt box.
8. Then add a Second step: Backup Codes
9. Select, Get Backup Codes, and this will generate a list of 10 codes you can download or print.
10. Then remove your phone number, by selecting the phone number line, and selecting the trash can icon to the right. This will now only use back up codes.