Requesting a Guest Wireless Account
Connect your device to ASUguest in your network settings.
While your device is trying to join ASUguest, open a web browser.
You should automatically get redirected to a login page. If not, go to a non-cached website such as or and it will then redirect you as intended.
If you have created a guest account before or have been provided with guest login credentials, log in with them here.
You will then be connected to the network.
Requesting Guest Credentials
If you don't have a guest account yet, you can request guest access on the left side.
Fill out the guest account request form in its entirety. You will receive your credentials via text or email based on the information you provide.
Once the form is complete your device will be granted internet access. You will also receive an email and text with your guest account credentials.
If you are unable to create a guest account and think you might have already made one, go to your email and search in the search box for the credentials.
Each guest account is good for 30 days and can be renewed up to 4 times.