Forwarding ASU Emails to a Different Account
Forwarding ASU emails to a personal account
Log into your ASU Gmail account (
Click the gear in the top right and "See all settings".
Select the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.
Then "Add a forwarding address".
Once you put in the email address you will receive a confirmation email from Google at that address.
*You must click the link in the confirmation email before you can select that address for forwarding!
Once you have confirmed the email address navigate back to the forwarding and POP/IMAP screen and select the "Forward a copy of incoming mail to..." option.
You have several options for how email is retained in your account.
Keep in mind, Adams State has no control over outside email addresses, so you may want to retain a copy of email on your account in case there is an issue with other email providers. If you choose to do so, just please remember to delete old emails occasionally by logging into your ASU account.
Be sure to save your settings!
Now you are done. If you have any questions either call Computing Services at (719) 587-7741 or just go to Google's page on how to Forward Gmail. You can also check out our article on Email Setup on Mobile Phones to find out how to setup student Gmail to your mobile devices.