Access the new ABM messaging system at the following url, https://ssb.adams.edu/bannerweb/abm/mail_pkg/
Follow the prompt for logging into your Adams State email account with your Adams State username as well as the password you specified.
Select Term and Email Type
The email message will be sent to the target email address type active for the selected term.
Click the dropdown arrow for the Term Code to select the term to be used.
Click the dropdown arrow for the Email Address Type to select the type of email to be used.
On Campus Email Address Types:
STU - On Campus Student Addresses
FAC - On Campus Faculty and Staff Addresses
STU-FAC On Campus Students, Faculty and Staff Addresses
WS Workstudy Students Addresses
WS-FAC Workstudy Students, Faculty and Staff Addresses
Off Campus Email Address Types - Please use sparingly to not spam Online Students:
STOC - Off Campus Non-ASU Student Addresses
XSTU - Off Campus Non-ASU Extended Studies (Online) Student Addresses
Default: Leave the checkbox empty - to specify recipients without using a population selection
Advanced: Click the checkbox for Banner Power Users - Use Population Selection? - to specify recipients using a previously built population selection
Then click Proceed to go to the next step.
Select Recipients
Recipients can be selected by specifying a previously created population selection, or by selecting general student, faculty and/or staff populations.
Select Recipients WITHOUT using a population selection
Click one or more boxes to select the population who will receive the email. Multiple check boxes can be selected.
If you do not select any check boxes, then the email will only be sent to you. You can use this to test the message.
Click Proceed to go to the next page where you build the message to be sent.
Select Recipients using a population selection
If you have created a population selection within Banner for recipients of your message, specify the population selection here by specifying the User Id, Creator Id, Selection, and Application fields.
Then click Proceed to go to the next page where you build the message to be sent.
Addressing and Attaching
Enter the sender’s name in the '"From" Name' field, the sender's email address in the '"From" Address' field, and the message subject in the 'Message Subject' field. These fields are required and may not be left blank.
Click the 'Use Personal Salutation' box to automatically insert a personal salutation in the message; e.g. "Dear John Smith". Leave the box unchecked to not include a personal salutation.
You can also attach files to the message, including text documents, spreadsheets, and images. You may attach up to 3 files to the message. Each attached file must be smaller than 2.5 MB. For larger attachments (above 2.5 MB) such as videos or multiple images, they must be uploaded to Google Drive and linked within the email content. The Google Drive link works for any file type stored in your Google Drive.
Message Body
This is where you create your message. You can type the message into the message box as shown below, and format it using the format menu and buttons. You can also copy text and tables from other documents, such as MS Word or email, and paste them into the message.
Click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to preview the message before it is sent.
The Preview page has 3 sections:
Top section: This shows the options you selected, including term code, email address type, and selection criteria.
Below the top section, there is section which shows how your email will appear. This email preview will show the address and name of the first recipient in the list, however each recipient will only see their name and address in the email they receive.
And below the email preview there is message which tells you how many recipients will receive the message, followed by the list of recipients based on criteria you have selected.
If you decide that you need to change something, click on the "Go Back and Edit" button to return to the previous screen to edit your message. If you go back, you will need to re-attach any attachments. Click the Cancel button to cancel out or to start over.
If you are happy with the message and the recipient list, click "Send Mail Now" button from this Preview screen.
Send Message
Once you are satisified with the content and appearance of your message, and with the selected population (addressees), click the "Send Mail Now" button at the top of the Preview screen.
Once you have clicked Send Mail Now, you will see a screen with the message "Thank you! You will receive an email when all the emails have been sent." You will also receive a copy of the message you sent (you are always a recipient of messages you send) and you will then get a 2nd email from Computing Services saying that "ABM Finished Sending". This is to let you know that your message has been sent to all addressees.